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Discussing Dillon Danis & Misfits Event

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the latest combat sports spectacle, the fervor and buzz from Episode 10 of the OverDogs Podcast continue to captivate the fight community. From locker room chaos to social media shenanigans, the hosts dissect a recent event rife with drama, both inside and outside the ring.

The episode kicks off with a candid recollection of an incident involving Dillon, a combatant who seemed unprepared for the magnitude of his fight. The hosts regale their audience with tales of a locker room mix-up and the ensuing confusion, painting a picture of a night that began as a disorganized fiasco.

The banter quickly shifts to the fight itself, which, according to the hosts, was nothing short of a farce. Dillon‘s meager nine punches over six rounds sparked a debate on what could have been had their co-host Mike Perry been the one to step into the ring with Logan Paul. The conversation spirals into a critique of Dillon’s performance and his apparent lack of readiness for the fight, with one host colorfully describing it as “bitch energy.”

Photo Source: USA Today | [click the image to check out the full episode]

The episode is not without its lighter moments. The hosts share laughs over Dillon‘s misadventures, including a wildly off-mark swing at a 400-pound bodyguard that seemed more for show than effect. It’s clear that the hosts find a certain comedic value in the absurdity of the events that unfolded.

But it’s not all jest; the hosts express disappointment in the overall skill level showcased at the event, particularly pointing out the clinch-heavy and underwhelming match-up between Tommy Fury and KSI. Yet, they find a silver lining in the tag team fights, which provided the most entertainment with their knockdowns and unbridled action.

Photo Source: Sky Sports

Despite the harsh critiques, there’s a glimmer of respect for Dillon‘s willingness to step into the spotlight, regardless of the outcome. This thread leads to a broader discussion about the nature of combat sports, the expectations of fans, and the unpredictable nature of fights.

As the conversation deepens, the hosts turn their attention to future bouts they’re eager to see, including potential matches featuring their own Mike Perry. The mention of Mike facing Tommy Fury ignites a spark of excitement, as does the prospect of a showdown with Darren Till, which they declare as “the fight” fans crave.

The hosts recount an unexpected locker room encounter with Darren Till, detailing a series of events that blur the lines between fighters and friends. The episode concludes with a reflection on the complexities of relationships in the fight game—how mutual respect can exist alongside a fierce desire to win.

This episode of OverDogs Podcast peels back the curtain on the chaos and camaraderie that define combat sports. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, from incredulous laughter at the night’s follies to earnest debate about the essence of competition. For any fan looking to dive deeper into this whirlwind of a night and explore the unvarnished opinions of insiders, a visit to the full episode is a must.

Check out the full episode at or click below!

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