In the highly anticipated inaugural episode of the Over Dogs Podcast, the charismatic and outspoken Ultimate Fighting Championship Middleweight, Sean Strickland (@SStricklandMMA), took centre stage. Sean, renowned for his no-holds-barred approach, wasted no time and got right into the action. One of the defining moments occurred early on when he playfully teased MacMally (@MacMallyMMA) about his eyewear, setting the tone for a lively and entertaining conversation.
“What’s up with your glasses?” Sean quipped, sparking laughter from the group. “What is the message here? Are you trying to convey that you’re a Nascar racer?” MacMally, with his trademark good humor, brushed off the banter, allowing Sean to revel in his playful ribbing.
This playful start soon led to Sean’s unfiltered take on Albuquerque, Jon Jones (Heavyweight) MMA Profile , and Jackson Wink MMA Academy. Not one to mince words, Sean declared, “Albuquerque sucks. It’s empty. It was big when it had Jon Jones.” He recounted his visit years ago, expressing his expectations of training with Jon Jones but adding a touch of sardonic humor about the city’s allure.
Photo Source: UFC/Zuffa LLC
But Sean is not all brashness and bravado. When discussing Greg Jackson, a respected figure in the MMA community, Sean displayed a surprising depth of character. “I like Greg Jackson,” he admitted. “He’s a nice guy. A little Weasley looking, but he’s a nice guy.”
The conversation then shifted to Sean’s motivations for accepting a specific fight. Sean candidly revealed, “I took this fight for the money rather than waiting 8 months for a ranked opponent.” This glimpse into the strategic and financial aspects of the fight game offers listeners a valuable perspective on the decisions fighters face.
For those eager to explore Sean Strickland’s unfiltered opinions and more engaging moments from this episode, the full episode can be found at or watch the full episode below.
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